Tuesday 15 July 2008


The new busking code which we were promised in February has now been out for some time and every busker, shop and office should have one. The main changes have a complete ban on amplifiers and a great reduction in the time buskers and street performers can spend on any one street – one hour per day. Whilst the level of volume has not been directly addressed, using time allocation to limit disturbance, this new time limit has made a considerable difference to the amount of noise nuisance suffered on Cornmarket Street. The new code has been reproduced at the bottom of this posting.

Whilst many have reported a great reduction in noise disturbance, however, certain buskers have still been breeching the code, especially at weekends. We have had reports of bands with amplifiers and so much noise being created that some shop workers reported that they couldn’t even hear themselves think on occasions Also, despite claiming to follow the code (especially in terms of time allocation), the Bagpipe Man has been playing overtime and abusing members of the Cornmarket Street community. One office worker at Clarendon House said that he frequently plays two sessions, or even three, and there have been reports of him playing for an hour as well during the weekends.

Since the new code of conduct comes under review (probably in about 2 months time) it is vital that everyone who suffers disturbance (both noise and congestion) contacts Environmental Health – otherwise the Council will assume that the new code is adequate to control nuisance busking on Cornmarket Street effectively and the suffering will continue and, most likely, escalate to previous levels. For this reason, an action sheet has been produced:

Action Plan for the Coming Few Weeks:

ANBO (Anti-Nuisance Busking Oxford) Action Sheet

Are you still suffering from noisy and irritating buskers?

If so, do remember that the Oxford City Council departments will now listen and act on your complaints. Buskers are allowed to play for just an hour per street per day. Amplification is banned and noisy acts (drums, bagpipes etc) are limited to one 30 minutes play per street per day.

1. If your study or work is being disrupted, do contact Environmental Health immediately on these numbers. An environmental health officer will respond to move on the busker.

Environmental Health:
01865 252382 (weekday office hours)
01865 742138 (weekends and evenings)

2. Insist that your complaint is recorded, even if Environmental Health claim that no action can be taken.*

3. Keep yourself informed. Make sure that you have a copy of the new busking code. All information you need can be found on our blog. You can also phone or email ANBO's campaign co-ordinator and request information. Contact details below.

4. Keep your own record of all instances of disturbance and calls you have made to Environmental Health (exact time and date important), including the name of the officer you have spoken to.

5. If you feel that your complaints have not been addressed, write to your local councillors responsible for Carfax Ward.

*The busking code does not deal directly with volume levels and the thirty minute rule does not prevent a succession of loud buskers in the same place subjecting workers to hours of disturbance. Nevertheless, the Council is aware of this and the new code is under review, therefore, even if Environmental Health refuse to take action, complaints should still be registered so that the need for further amendments is recognised. IT IS VITAL THAT WE CONTACT THE AUTHORITIES AND KEEP OURSELVES INFORMED. THIS WILL ENSURE THAT EFFECTIVE ACTION IS TAKEN AND NUISANCE BUSKING IS FINALLY STOPPED.

http://anboxford.blogspot.com Email: anbo.info@googlemail.com

Richard: 07903 295560 (any time)


‘Busking in Oxford 2’: The New Busking Code of Conduct

We welcome most street entertainers and feel they add a lot to the street scene in Oxford. To help buskers and entertainers and to avoid complaints we have introduced a permit sceme and produced a code of practice (see overleaf). We have also designated street entertainment areas. Following the code of practice will help you stay on the right side of the law.

On occasions however, particularly for people living or working in the city centre, busking may be intrusive, annoying or disturbing. As a result both the Council and the Police receive complaints about the volume and sometimes the nature of busking and street entertainment and about obstruction to the highway caused by gathering crowds.

Under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (as amended) noise in the street may be a statutory nuisance. The Council has a duty to abate noise nuisances and prohibit their recurrence; this may include the confiscation of musical instruments.


If you wish to make a complaint about buskers in Oxford or would like to discuss issues relating to buskers please telephone Oxford (01865) 252867 during office hours. For out of office hours complaints call Oxford (01865) 742138.

An Oxford Busker's Badge may be obtained, free of charge, from reception, Environmental Health, Ramsay House, 10 St. Ebbes Street, Oxford OX1 1PT. Please bring a passport sized photo of yourself.




1. Only perform within the designated entertainment areas.

2. Entertain only between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m.

3. Hold an Oxford City Council's busker's permit.

4. Smile, enjoy yourself and entertain others!


5. Use amplification of any type. Busking must not be intrusive or be a nuisance in nearby premises (as prescribed in the Environmental Protection Act 1990 [as amended]). Music or voices should not be heard plainly at a distance of 50 metres.

6. Busk for more than 1 hour in any street. Busking shall not be repeated in that street for the rest of the day. Note: very noisy instruments such as bagpipes and drums are restricted to 30 mins maximum time in any one place.

7. Obstruct the highway (road, pavement or open pedestrian area). You are responsible for ensuring that any people gathering to watch or listen to you also do not obstruct the highway.

8. Make use of the street furniture, e.g. public seats, lamp posts, railings.

9. Busk within of 50 metres of another busker or group of buskers.

10. Display signs inviting payment, unless for a charity collection which has been authorised by the Council or the Charity Commissioners. (A letter of authorisation should be available for inspection upon request by an authorised officer of the Council).

11. Perform in a manner which is dangerous to yourself or to the public.

12. Act in a way, or say anything that is likely to cause an offence to a member of the public.

13. Position yourself on a footway or highway in such a way that could be deemed as begging by passers by or the Police e.g. sitting on or wrapped in a sleeping bag or blanket.

14. Act in any way that amounts to anti social behaviour and is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to members of the public or local traders.

15. Busk whilst under the influence of alcohol, solvents or drugs.



1 (a) Gloucester Green/Friars Entry
1 (b) Gloucester Green/Old School House
2 (a) Queen Street
2 (b) Bonn Square
3 Pennyfarthing Place
4 (a) Cornmarket Street/Carfax
4 (b) Cornmarket Street/Market Street
4 (c) Cornmarket Street/St Michael's Street
5 Covered Market (11.00 - 3.00 Fridays and Saturdays only)

Westgate Pagoda

The Westgate Pagoda area may sometimes also be available for busking upon application to the Westgate Centre Manager. This is because the Pagoda area is frequently rented out for other purposes and is not therefore always going to be available for buskers to use.

Environmental Health,
Ramsay House,
10 St. Ebbes Street,
Oxford OX1 1PT.
Telephone: 01865 252867
Email: noise@oxford.gov.uk


Finally, we will be making a survey and producing a follow-up report during the nest six weeks. If anyone would like to have their opinions recorded please contact us on the ANBO email address (see action sheet above) and keep the following questions in mind - in addition to any other comments that you have to make:

1. Have you been disturbed by loud, irritating or intrusive buskers since last April? - describe the nature of the disturbance.

2. If so, have you phoned Environmental Health and how have they responded to your complaint/s?

3. Have you heard any buskers using amplifiers and, if so, roughly how many of them have been playing too loud

4. Have you been experiencing relays (or successions) of disturbingly loud buskers playing one after the other at the same spot?

We will be putting up another posting during the next week or so when we have gathered more information. Until then, good luck with your efforts and we hope you have a peaceful and productive time at work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So thanks to a handful of complaints compared to the majority who love and appreciate spontaneous street performed music, yet another council applies the permit scheme and ruins the livelihoods of busking musicians who
need amplifiers because there instruments are electric, and playing only for one hour in a street is ridiculous, you can't earn enough to make it worth doing, So guaranteed the quality of musicianship will now go down and it will only be the same regular buskers that will soon get on everyones nerves.